The payslip in the Netherlands
What is it: The specification by the employer of the gross to net calculation according to the law and the employment contract.
In the past employees were paid weekly and in cash, in an envelope or in a little moneybag. A little strip of paper was handed out with the cash. In Dutch we call them stroken, and from that the word loonstrook – literally pay strip – came into being.
Nowadays, the loonstrook lists many deductions, calculations, and figures, so a strip is not suitable anymore. It has become an A4. We don’t use bags or envelopes anymore either!
Since 2010 these payslips are no longer handed out to employees or mailed to their home addresses. They are sent via email.
For many years, both employers and employees contributed to social premiums but since 1 January 2003, only employees pay social contributions. (The new law is called Wet uniformering loonbegrip that roughly translated means amendment of a number of laws to standardize the treatment of wages.)
There is another deduction on the payslip that refers to a premium — Whk — regarding disability insurance and unemployment insurance, but you as an employee may not need to delve into that. It’s a really detailed issue, so how about you contact us for more information if you need to know?
Generally the following items will be mentioned on a payslip:
- Name and address of employer and employee;
- BSN, the social security number of the employee;
- Dates of the period to which this payslip applies;
- The gross salary;
- Possible holiday allowance payment or accrual;
- Overtime payments and bonuses;
- Deductions for pension;
- Travel allowances;
- Cumulative figures for the current year.
Most employers in the Netherlands send out payslips every month. The law says that employees must receive a payslip when changes are implemented, or at least once a year. Some Collective Labor Agreements specify payslips must be sent with every payment.
Quick payslip scan
We process literally hundreds of thousands of payslips every month, and since we have been doing this for many years, we know that it can be difficult to read and understand your payslip. We love this stuff so we would like to help you out: send us a copy of your payslip and we will do a quick scan for you. (Delete all your personal details before sending. We aren’t nosy.)
And it’s not only employees who struggle with understanding the terms and the calculations – employers don’t have it easy either. Maybe your employer uses a payroll company, but ultimately you need to know that your net salary has been calculated correctly and that the proper terms and conditions that were agreed between you and your employer have been applied. Our advice? Don’t assume it has been done right only because your employer says so.
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